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Sanguine (heraldry)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Non-heraldic equivalentBlood red
Monochromatic designations
Hatching pattern 
Tricking abbr.
Poetic designations
Heavenly bodyDragon's head

Sanguine (/ˈsæŋɡwɪn/) is a stain, or non-standard tincture in heraldry, of a blood-red colour.

In the past it was sometimes taken to be equivalent to murrey,[1] but they are now considered two distinct tinctures. It is a darker red, the colour of arterial blood.[2] A shade of red used to depict the tincture Sanguine in armorials should be darker than the shade used for regular Gules, as the shade of purple used for murrey should be darker than the one used for Purpure. It also should be sufficiently red to avoid appearing brown, in order not to introduce confusion with tenné.

Roundels of sanguine are referred to as guzes.

In the system of poetic associations, sanguine is sometimes associated with the gemstone jacinth and with the Dragon's head.[3]

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  1. ^ Elvin, Charles Norton (1889). A Dictionary of Heraldry. London: Kent. p. 112.
  2. ^ Heraldic dictionary at Flags of the World. Accessed 14 July 2009.
  3. ^ Woodward, John; Burnett, George (1892). A Treatise on Heraldry, British and Foreign. Vol. 1. Edinburgh / London: W. A. K. Johnston. p. 65.
This page was last edited on 20 July 2023, at 18:31
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