Peter und Paul is a short-running (14 episodes) German television series released in 1994. The first 10 episodes ran on RTL between 11 April and 20 June 1994, and the last four between 8-29 April 1998.
The two protagonists of the series are Peter Elfinger (Helmut Fischer) and Paul Schneck (Hans Clarin), the mayors of Hohenwaldau and Niederwaldau, two neighboring towns in Bavarian Chiemgau. They are also brothers in law, as Schneck is married to Elfinger's sister Elisabeth (Ilse Neubauer). Elfinger and Schneck have known each other since childhood and still maintain a friendly rivalry relationship, as they are very fond of each other, but never miss an opportunity to one-up one another with affectionate perfidy and malice, often under the pretext that it is for the good of their respective villages.
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Cheerfulness, Television and Fascism
Why isn't the world covered in poop? - Eleanor Slade and Paul Manning