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The ndzumara is a double-reed pipe, or primitive oboe (French: hautbois),[1] played in Comorian music. The instrument is noted as almost extinct.[2]

The instrument is also found in Mayotte, where it is described as a La flûte mahoraise en bois, NDZUMARA, fût très longtemps mal considéré par les religieux (pour des raisons obscures).[3]


  1. ^ Moussa Said Ahmed (1 January 2000). Guerriers, princes et poètes aux Comores dans la littérature orale. L'Harmattan. p. 219. ISBN 978-2-7384-9475-7.
  2. ^ Cathell, B. David. "Musical Instrument Museum, Part 5". Life After HP. Retrieved 4 October 2014.
  3. ^ Vincent Fauveau; Claire Fauveau (1984). Mayotte, coutumes et traditions à la découverte des Mahorais. Editions UDIR. p. 57.

This page was last edited on 7 November 2021, at 05:27
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