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Slavery - Crash Course US History #13
From the Abolitionist Movement to #BlackLivesMatter | Time Capsule
The Underground Railroad: Crash Course Black American History #15
Debunking the myth of the Lost Cause: A lie embedded in American history - Karen L. Cox
The Part of History You've Always Skipped | Neoslavery
Episode 13 – Slavery Hi, I’m John Green. This is Crashcourse U.S. history and today we’re gonna to talk about slavery, which is not funny. Yeah, so we put a lei on the eagle to try to cheer you up, but, let’s face it, this is going to be depressing. With slavery, every time you think, like, “Oh, it couldn’t have been that bad,” it turns out to have been much worse. Mr. Green, Mr. Green, but what about-- Yeah, Me from the Past, I’m gonna stop you right there because you’re going to embarrass yourself. Slavery was hugely important to America. I mean, it led to a civil war. And it also lasted what at least in U.S. history counts as a long ass time—from 1619 to 1865 And, yes, I know there’s a 1,200 year old church in your neighborhood in Denmark, but we’re not talking about Denmark! But slavery is most important because we still struggle with its legacy. So, yes, today’s episode will probably not be funny. But it will be important. INTRO So, the slave-based economy in the South is sometimes characterized as having been separate from the market revolution, but that’s not really the case. Without southern cotton, the north wouldn’t have been able to industrialize, at least not as quickly, because cotton textiles were one of the first industrially produced products and the most important commodity in world trade by the 19th century. And ¾ of the world’s cotton came from the American South. And, speaking of cotton, why has no one mentioned to me that my collar has been half-popped this entire episode, like I’m trying to recreate the flying nun’s hat? And although there were increasingly fewer slaves in the North as northern states outlawed slavery, cotton shipments overseas made Northern merchants rich, northern bankers financed the purchase of land for plantations. Northern insurance companies insured slaves, who were, after all considered property and very valuable property. And, in addition to turning cotton into cloth for sale overseas, northern manufacturers sold cloth back to the south where it was used to clothe the very slaves who had cultivated it. But certainly the most prominent effects of the slave-based economy were seen in the South. The profitability of slave-based agriculture, especially “King Cotton,” meant that the south would remain largely agricultural and rural. Slave states were home to a few cities, like St. Louis and Baltimore, but with the exception of New Orleans, almost all southern urbanization took place in the Upper South, further away from the large cotton plantations. And slave-based agriculture was so profitable that it siphoned money away from other economic endeavors. Like, there was very little industry in the South – it produced only 10% of the nation’s manufactured goods, and as most of the capital was being plowed into the purchase of slaves, there was very little room for technological innovation like, for instance, railroads. This lack of industry and railroads would eventually make the south suck at the civil war, thankfully. In short, slavery dominated the south, shaping it both economically and culturally. And, slavery wasn’t a minor aspect of American society. By 1860, there were 4 million slaves in the U.S., and in the South, they made up 1/3 of the total population. Although in the popular imagination, most plantations were these sprawling affairs with hundreds of slaves, in reality the majority of slave-holders owned five or fewer slaves. And of course, most white people in the south owned no slaves at all, although if they could afford to, they would sometimes rent slaves to help with their work. These were the so-called “yeoman” farmers who lived self-sufficiently, raised their own food and purchased very little in the market economy. They worked the poorest land and as a result were mostly pretty poor themselves. But even they largely supported slavery, partly perhaps for aspirational reasons and partly because the racism inherent to the system gave even the poorest whites legal and social status. And southern intellectuals worked hard to encourage these ideas of white solidarity and to make the case for slavery. Many of the founders, a bunch of whom you’ll remember held slaves, saw slavery as a necessary evil. Jefferson once wrote, “As it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other.” The belief that justice and self-preservation couldn’t sit on the same side of the scale was really opposed the American idea and, in the end, it would make the civil war inevitable. But as slavery became more entrenched – and as ideas of liberty and political equality were embraced by more people – some Southerners began to make the case that slavery wasn’t just a necessary evil. They argued, for instance, that slaves benefited from slavery. Because, you know, their masters fed them and clothed them and took care of them in their old age. You still hear this argument today, astonishingly. In fact, you’ll probably see asshats in the comments saying that. I will remind you, it’s not cursing if you are referring to an actual ass. This paternalism allowed masters to see themselves as benevolent, and to contrast their family oriented slavery with the cold mercenary capitalism of the free labor north. So, yeah, in the face of rising criticism of slavery, some Southerners began to argue that the institution was actually good for the social order. One of the best-known proponents of this view was John C. Calhoun who, in 1837 said this in a speech on the Senate floor: “I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding States between the two, is, instead of an evil, a good — a positive good.” John: Now, of course, John C. Calhoun was a fringe politician and nobody took his views particularly seriously … Stan: Well, he was secretary of state from 1844 to 1845. John: Well, I mean, who really cares about the Secretary of State, Stan … Danica: Ehh, also Secretary of War from 1817 to 1825. John: Alright, but we don’t even have a Secretary of War anymore. Meredith: And he was Vice President from 1825 to 1832. John: Oh my God, were we insane? We were, of course. But we justified the insanity—with biblical passages and with the examples of the Greeks and Romans and with outright racism, arguing that black people were inherently inferior to whites and that NOT to keep them in slavery would upset the natural order of things, a worldview popularized millennia ago by my nemesis, Aristotle. God, I hate Aristotle. You know what defenders of Aristotle always say? He was the first person to identify dolphins. Well, okay. Dolphin-identifier. Yes, that is what he should be remembered for, but he’s a terrible philosopher. Here’s the truth about slavery: It was coerced labor that relied upon intimidation and brutality and dehumanization. And this wasn’t just a cultural system, it was a legal one. I mean, Louisiana law proclaimed that a slave “owes his master…a respect without bounds, and an absolute obedience.” The signal feature of slaves’ lives was work. I mean, conditions and tasks varied, but all slaves labored, usually from sunup to sundown, and almost always without any pay. Most slaves worked in agriculture on plantations and conditions were different depending on which crops were grown. Like, slaves on the rice plantations of South Carolina had terrible working conditions but they labored under the task system, which meant that once they had completed their allotted daily work, they would have time to do other things. But lest you imagine this as like how we have work and leisure time, bear in mind that they were owned and treated as property. On cotton plantations, most slaves worked in gangs, usually under the control of an overseer or another slave who was called a driver. This was backbreaking work done in the southern sun and humidity and so it’s not surprising that whippings or the threat of them were often necessary to get slaves to work. It’s easy enough to talk about the brutality of slave discipline, but it can be difficult to internalize it. Like, you look at these pictures, but because you’ve seen them over and over again, they don’t have the power they once might have. The pictures can tell a story about cruelty, but they don’t necessarily communicate how arbitrary it all was. As for example in this story told by a woman who was a slave as a young girl. “[The] overseer … went to my father one morning and said, “Bob, I’m gonna whip you this morning.” Daddy said, “I ain’t done nothing,” and he said “I know it, I’m going to whip you to keep you from doing nothing,” and he hit him with that cowhide – you know it would cut the blood out of you with every lick if they hit you hard.” That brutality – the whippings, the brandings, the rape – was real and it was intentional because in order for slavery to function, slaves had to be dehumanized. This enabled slaveholders to rationalize what they were doing and, it was hoped, to reduce slaves to the animal property that is implied by the term “chattel slavery.” So the idea was that slaveholders wouldn’t think of their slaves as human. And slaves wouldn’t think of themselves as human. But, it didn’t work. But more importantly, slaveowners were never able to convince the slaves themselves that they were anything less than human. Let’s go to the Thought Bubble. Slaves resistance to their dehumanization took many forms, but the primary way was by forming families. Family was a refuge for slaves and a source of dignity that masters recognized and sought to stifle. A paternalistic slaveowner named Bennett H. Barrow wrote in his rules for the Highland Plantation: “No rule that I have stated is of more importance than that relating to Negroes marrying outside of the plantation … It creates a feeling of independence.” Most slaves did marry, usually for life, and when possible, slaves grew up in two-parent households. Single parent households were common, though, as a result of one parent being sold. In the Upper South, where the economy was shifting from tobacco to different, less labor-intensive cash crops, the sale of slaves was common. Perhaps 1/3 of slave marriages in states like Virginia were broken up by sale. Religion was also an important part of life in slavery. While masters wanted their slaves to learn the parts of the Bible that talked about being happy in bondage, slave worship tended to focus on the stories of Exodus, where Moses brought the slaves out of bondage, or Biblical heroes who overcame great odds, like Daniel and David. And although most slaves were forbidden to learn to read and write, many did anyway, and some became preachers. Slave preachers were often very charismatic leaders, and they roused the suspicion of slave owners, and not without reason. Two of the most important slave uprisings in the south were led by preachers. Thanks, Thought Bubble. Oh, it’s time for the Mystery Document? We’re doing two set pieces in a row? Alright...The rules here are simple. I wanted to reshoot that, but Stan said no. I guess the author of the Mystery Document. If I am wrong, I get shocked with the shock pen. “Since I have been in the Queen’s dominions I have been well contented, Yes well contented for Sure, man is as God intended he should be. That is, all are born free and equal. This is a wholesome law, not like the Southern laws which puts man made in the image of God on level with brutes. O, what will become of the people, and where will they stand in the day of Judgment. Would that the 5th verse of the 3rd chapter of Malachi were written as with a bar of iron, and the point of a diamond upon every oppressor’s heart that they might repent of this evil, and let the oppressed go free…” Alright, it’s definitely a preacher, because only preachers have read Malachi. Probably African American. Probably not someone from the south. I’m going to guess that it is Richard Allen, the founder of the African Methodist Episcopal Church? Dang it! It’s Joseph Taper? And Stan just pointed out to me that I should have known it was Joseph Taper because it starts out, “Since I have been in the Queen’s dominions.” He was in Canada. He escaped slavery to Canada. The Queen’s dominions! Alright, Canadians, I blame you for this. Although thank you for abolishing slavery decades before we did. AH! So the mystery document shows one of the primary ways that slaves resisted their oppression: by running away. Although some slaves, like Joseph Taper, escaped slavery for good by running away to Northern free states or even to Canada where they wouldn’t have to worry about fugitive slave laws, even more slaves ran away temporarily, hiding out in the woods or the swamps and eventually returning. No one knows exactly how many slaves escaped to freedom, but the best estimate is that 1,000 or so a year made the journey northwards. Most fugitive slaves were young men, but the most famous runaway has been hanging out behind me all day long, Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman escaped to Philadelphia at the age of 29 and over the course of her life she made about 20 trips back to Maryland to help friends and relatives make the journey north on the Underground Railroad. But a most dramatic form of resistance to slavery was actual armed rebellion, which was attempted. Now individuals sometimes took matters into their own hands and beat or sometimes even killed their white overseers or masters, like “Bob,” the guy who received the arbitrary beating, responded to it by killing his overseer with a hoe. But that said, large-scale slave uprisings were relatively rare. The four most famous ones all took place in a 35 year period at the beginning of the 19th century. Gabriel’s rebellion in 1800, which we talked about before, was discovered before he was able to carry out his plot. Then, in 1811 a group of slaves upriver from New Orleans seized cane knives and guns and marched on the city before militia stopped them. And, in 1822 Denmark Vesey, a former slave who had purchased his freedom may have organized a plot to destroy Charleston, South Carolina. I say may have because the evidence against him is disputed and comes from a trial that was not fair. But, regardless, the end result of that trial is that he was executed as were 34 slaves. But, the most successful slave rebellion, at least in the sense that they actually killed some people, was Nat Turner’s in August 1831. Turner, was a preacher and with a group of about 80 slaves, he marched from farm to farm in Southampton County Virginia killing the inhabitants, most of whom were women and children because the men were attending a religious revival meeting in North Carolina. Turner and 17 other rebels were captured and executed, but not before they struck terror into the hearts of whites all across the American south. Virginia’s response was to make slavery worse, passing even harsher laws that forbade slaves from preaching and prohibited teaching them to read. Other slave states followed Virginia’s lead and by the 1830s, slavery had grown if anything more harsh. So this shows that large-scale armed resistance was, Django Unchained aside, not just suicidal but also a threat to loved ones, and really to all slaves. But it is hugely important to emphasize that slaves DID resist their oppression. Sometimes this meant taking up arms, but usually it meant more subtle forms of resistance, like intentional work slowdowns, or sabotaging equipment, or pretending not to understand instructions. And, most importantly, in the face of systematic, legal, and cultural degradation they reaffirmed their humanity through family and through faith. Why is this so important? Because too often in America we still talk about slaves as if they failed to rise up, when in fact rising up would not have made life better for them or for their families. The truth is, sometimes carving out an identity as a human being in a social order that is constantly seeking to dehumanize you is the most powerful form of resistance. Refusing to become the chattel that their masters believed them to be is what made slavery untenable, and the Civil War inevitable. So make no mistake: Slaves fought back. And in the end, they won. I’ll see you next week. Crash Course is produced and directed by Stan Muller. The script supervisor is Meredith Danko. Our associate producer is Danica Johnson. The show is written by my high school history teacher, Raoul Meyer, and myself. And our graphics team is Thought Café. Every week, there’s a new caption to the libertage, but today’s episode was so sad that we couldn’t fit a libertage in UNTIL NOW. Suggest libertage captions in comments where you can also ask questions about today’s video that will be answered by our team of historians. Thanks for watching Crash Course, and as we say in my hometown, don’t forget to be abolitionist. CCUS 13 -
- African Methodist Episcopal Church (American)
- American Anti-Slavery Society (American)
- American Missionary Association (American)
- Anti-Slavery Society (British)
- Birmingham Ladies Society for the Relief of Negro Slaves, founded 1825 (British)
- Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society (American)
- Boston Vigilance Committee (American)
- British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, founded 1839, continues as Anti-Slavery International
- Clapham Sect (British)
- Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade (British)
- Free Soil Party (American)
- Free-Staters (Kansas) (American)
- Jayhawkers (American)
- International Justice Mission (American)
- Liberty Party (United States, 1840)
- Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society (American)
- Massachusetts General Colored Association (American)
- New York Manumission Society (American)
- New England Anti-Slavery Society (American)
- New England Freedom Association (American)
- Oneida Institute (American)
- Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society (American)
- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
- Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1787–1807? (British, aka Abolition Society)
- Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery Throughout the British Dominions, 1823–1838 (British, aka Anti-Slavery Society)
- Society for the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage (American)
- Society of the Friends of the Blacks (Société des Amis des Noirs) (French)
- Testonites (British)
- 8th Day Center for Justice, a Roman Catholic non-profit organization based in Chicago, Illinois
- A Better World, organization that is based in Lacombe, Alberta, Canada[1]
- A21 Campaign, 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-governmental organization that works to fight human trafficking
- ABC Nepal, non-profit non- governmental organisation working in Nepal on trafficking of girls and minors across Indian subcontinent and Arabian countries, founded by Durga Ghimire.[2]
- Agape International Missions, nonprofit organization in Cambodia[3]
- Anti-Slavery International, works at local, national and international levels to eliminate all forms of slavery around the world
- Arizona League to End Regional Trafficking, coalition representing partnerships with law enforcement, faith-based communities, non-profit organizations, social service agencies, attorneys and concerned citizens.
- Awareness Against Human Trafficking (HAART), non-governmental organization fighting against human trafficking in Kenya.[4]
- California Against Slavery, human rights organization directed at strengthening California state laws to protect victims of sex trafficking
- Chab Dai, coalition founded by Helen Sworn[5] that connects Christian organizations committed to ending sexual abuse and trafficking.[6][7]
- Children's Organization of Southeast Asia (COSA), International Organization which works towards the prevention of child human trafficking and sexual exploitation within the Northern regions of Thailand, especially among hill-tribe communities.[8]
- Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, international non-governmental organization opposing human trafficking, prostitution, and other forms of commercial sex
- Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking, Los Angeles-based anti-human trafficking organization
- ECPAT, international non-governmental organisation and network headquartered in Thailand which is designed to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children
- Face to Face Bulgaria, organization whose primary mission is to prevent cases of forced prostitution and human trafficking in Bulgaria[9][10]
- Free the Slaves, dedicated to ending Slavery Worldwide
- Freeset, organization whose primary mission is to provide sustainable employment and economic empowerment to victims of sex trafficking in South Asia.[11]
- Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women, network of more than 100 non-governmental organisations from all regions of the world, who share a deep concern for the women, children and men whose human rights have been violated by the criminal practice of trafficking in persons
- Global Centurion, is non-profit organization that fights trafficking by focusing on demand[12]
- Hope for Justice, identifies and rescues victims, advocates on their behalf, provides restorative care which rebuilds lives and trains frontline professionals to tackle slavery.[13]
- Ing Makababaying Aksyon (Filipino)
- International Justice Mission, an anti-trafficking organization.
- La Strada International Association, international NGO network addressing trafficking in human beings in Europe
- Love 146, vision: abolition of child trafficking and slavery, nothing less.
- Maiti Nepal, non-profit organization in Nepal dedicated to helping victims of sex trafficking
- NASHI, a Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada-based organisation that opposes human trafficking by raising awareness through education[14]
- Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons, government agency responsible for coordinating efforts to address human trafficking in British Columbia, Canada[15]
- Polaris Project, nonprofit, non-governmental organization that works to combat and prevent modern day slavery and human trafficking
- Prerana, non-governmental organization (NGO) that works in the red-light districts of Mumbai, India, to protect children vulnerable to commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking. The organization runs three night care centers for children at risk, as well as shelter homes and a residential training center for girls rescued from the trafficking trade.[16]
- Ratanak International, organisation that rescues children from sexual slavery and then provides them with education,[17] rehabilitation, and safety[18]
- Reaching Out Romania, non-governmental[19] charitable organization[20] in Romania that helps girls ages 13 to 22 exit the sex industry[21]
- Redlight Children Campaign, non-profit organization created by New York lawyer and president of Priority Films Guy Jacobson and Israeli actress Adi Ezroni in 2002 to combat worldwide child sexual exploitation and human trafficking
- Run for Courage, nonprofit organization that combats human trafficking[22]
- Somaly Mam Foundation (Cambodian)
- Slavery Footprint, nonprofit organization based in Oakland, California, that works to end human trafficking and modern-day slavery.[23]
- Stop Child Trafficking Now, organization founded by Lynette Lewis, an author and public speaker[24]
- Stop the Traffik, campaign coalition which aims to bring an end to human trafficking worldwide[25]
- The RINJ Foundation, Canadian-based women's group which adduces that vigorously prosecuting buyers of slaves is the way ahead to end sexual slavery[26][27]
- Truckers Against Trafficking, nonprofit organization that trains truck drivers to recognize and report instances of human trafficking[28]
- Voice of the Free (Filipino)
- Abigail Adams (American presidential wife and activist)
- John Quincy Adams (American President), had a long history of opposing slavery
- Bronson Alcott (American)
- Louisa May Alcott (American)
- Richard Allen (former slave, American Methodist)
- William G. Allen (American)
- Susan B. Anthony (American)
- Rosa Miller Avery (American)
- Gamaliel Bailey (American)
- Martha Violet Ball (American)
- Eusebius Barnard (American)
- Austin Bearse (American)
- Henry Ward Beecher (American)
- Anthony Benezet (American Quaker)
- John Bingham, Jayhawker and Senator (American)
- James Gillespie Birney (American)
- William Birney (American)
- William Henry Brisbane (American)
- John Brown (American)
- William Wells Brown (American)
- Anson Burlingame (American)
- Aaron Burr (American politician)
- Zachariah Chandler (American)
- William L. Chaplin (American)
- Maria Weston Chapman (American)
- Salmon P. Chase (American)
- Lydia Maria Child (American)
- Benjamin Butler (American)
- Elizabeth Buffum Chace (American activist)
- Elizabeth Margaret Chandler American writer and journalist, columnist
- James Freeman Clarke (American), Unitarian minister and theologian
- Cassius Marcellus Clay (American)
- John Coburn (American)
- Levi Coffin (American)
- Nathaniel Colver (Baptist pastor and educator, American)
- Samuel Cornish (Presbyterian of African heritage, American)
- Oringe Smith Crary (American)
- Alexander Crummell, African-American missionary
- Henry Winter Davis (American)
- Martin Delany (son of a slave, American)
- Solomon Dill (American)
- Richard Dillingham (American)
- Frederick Douglass (former slave, American politician)
- Sarah Mapps Douglass (American)
- George Hussey Earle Sr. (American politician)
- David Einhorn (American rabbi)
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (American)
- Calvin Fairbank (American)
- Sarah Harris Fayerweather (American)
- John Gregg Fee (American)
- Charles Finney (American)
- James Forten (American)
- Margaretta Forten (American)
- Abby Kelley Foster (American)
- Stephen Symonds Foster (American)
- Benjamin Franklin (American)
- Amos Noë Freeman (American)
- John C. Frémont (American)
- Matilda Joslyn Gage (American)
- Thomas Galt (American), Vice-President, Illinois Anti-Slavery Society
- Eliza Ann Gardner (American)
- Henry Highland Garnet (American)
- Thomas Garrett (American)
- William Lloyd Garrison (American)
- Ulysses Grant (American)
- Horace Greeley (American)
- Beriah Green (American)
- Leonard Grimes (American)
- Charlotte Forten Grimké (American)
- Angelina Grimké (American)
- Sarah Moore Grimké (American)
- Hannibal Hamlin (American)
- Theophilus Harrington (American)
- Laura Smith Haviland (American)
- Lewis Hayden (former slave, American)
- Hugh Hazlett (American)
- Michael Heilprin (American rabbi)
- Hinton Rowan Helper (opposed slavery on economic grounds, American)
- James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok (American)
- Elias Hicks (American)
- Thomas Wentworth Higginson (American)
- Thomas S. Hinde (American)
- Isaac Hopper (American)
- Julia Ward Howe (American)
- Samuel Gridley Howe (American)
- Thaddeus Hyatt (American)
- Robert G. Ingersoll (American)
- Francis Jackson (American)
- Harriet Jacobs (1813–1897) (former slave, American)
- John Jay (American)
- Absalom Jones (American)
- Hezekiah Joslyn (American)
- Abby Kelley (American)
- Gustav Koerner (German American)
- James H. Lane (Senator) (American)
- Mary Sampson Patterson Leary Langston (American)
- John Laurens (American)
- Benjamin Lay (American)
- Hart Leavitt (American), Underground Railroad operator, Massachusetts[29]
- Joshua Leavitt (American), editor of the abolitionist newspaper The Emancipator
- Roger Hooker Leavitt (American), Underground Railroad operator, Massachusetts[30]
- William Leggett (writer)
- Abraham Lincoln (American President)
- Rose Livingston (American)
- Toussaint L'Ouverture (former slave, a commander of the Haitian Revolution)
- Jermain Loguen (former slave, American)
- Elijah Lovejoy (American)
- James Russell Lowell (American)
- Maria White Lowell (American)
- Henry G. Ludlow (American)
- Benjamin Lundy (American)
- Samuel Joseph May (American)
- Isaac Mendenhall (American)
- Cynthia Catlin Miller (American)
- Robert Morris (American)
- Lucretia Mott (American)
- William Cooper Nell (American)
- Frederick Law Olmsted (American)
- Abraham op den Graeff (German-American), signer of the first organized religious protest against slavery in colonial America
- Derick op den Graeff (German-American), signer of the first organized religious protest against slavery in colonial America
- Samuel Oughton (American), advocate of black labour rights in Jamaica)
- John Parker (former slave, American)
- Theodore Parker (American) (1810–1860), Unitarian minister and abolitionist whose words inspired speeches by Abraham Lincoln and later by Martin Luther King Jr. ("The arc of the moral universe is long...")
- Francis Daniel Pastorius (German-American), signer of the first organized religious protest against slavery in colonial America
- Wendell Phillips (American)
- James Shepherd Pike (American), journalist
- Mary Ellen Pleasant (American)
- John Wesley Posey (American)
- Gabriel Prosser (insurrectionist, American slave)
- Harriet Forten Purvis (American)
- Robert Purvis (American)
- Sarah Louisa Forten Purvis (American)
- John Rankin (American)
- Hermann Raster (American)
- John D. Read (American)
- Charles Lenox Remond (American)
- Ernestine Rose (American)
- Benjamin Rush (American)
- John Brown Russwurm (Jamaican/American)
- Richard S. Rust (American)
- Thomas Rutter (American)
- Dred Scott (American slave)
- Samuel Sewall (American)
- Samuel Edmund Sewall (American)
- William H. Seward, Secretary of State under Lincoln (American)
- Gerrit Smith (American)
- Joshua Bowen Smith (American)
- Silas Soule (American)
- Lysander Spooner (American lawyer)
- Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War under Lincoln (American)
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton (American)
- Henry Stanton (American)
- Thaddeus Stevens (American)
- Maria W. Stewart (American)
- William Still (American)
- Lucy Stone (American)
- Harriet Beecher Stowe (American)
- Charles Sumner (American)
- La Roy Sunderland (American)
- Arthur Tappan (American)
- Lewis Tappan (American)
- Henry David Thoreau (American)
- John Ton (Dutch-born American)
- Charles Turner Torrey (American)
- Joseph Tracy (American)
- Sojourner Truth (American)
- Harriet Tubman (American)
- Nat Turner insurrectionist, former slave (American)
- Denmark Vesey insurrectionist, former slave (American)
- Benjamin Wade (American)
- David Walker (abolitionist) (son of a slave, American)
- Samuel Ringgold Ward (born into slavery, American)
- Theodore Dwight Weld (American)
- Charles Augustus Wheaton (American) Underground Railroad Operator, New York [31]
- Walt Whitman (American)
- John Greenleaf Whittier (American)
- Austin Willey (American newspaper editor)
- Henry Wilson (American Vice President)
- Hiram Wilson (Canada)
- John Woolman (American Quaker)
- Elizur Wright (American)
- Frances Wright (American)
- Antônio de Castro Alves (Brazilian)
- Maria Tomásia Figueira Lima (Brazilian)
- Luís Gama (Brazilian)
- Joaquim Nabuco (Brazilian)
- José do Patrocínio (Brazilian)
- André Rebouças (Brazilian)
- José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva (Brazilian)
- Dragão do Mar (Brazilian)
- Maria Firmina dos Reis (Brazilian)
- Ruy Barbosa (Brazilian)
- Pedro I of Brazil (Brazilian)
- Pedro II of Brazil (Brazilian)
- Isabel, Princess Imperial of Brazil (Brazilian)
- Josiah Wedgwood (British) produced "Am I Not A Man And A Brother?" anti-slavery medallion
- Henry Thornton (British)
- Bishop Beilby Porteus (British)
- Zachary Macaulay (British)
- David Livingstone (Scottish)
- Samuel Johnson (British)
- Elizabeth Heyrick (British)
- Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (German/British)
- George William Alexander (British)
- William Allen (British Quaker)
- Thomas Binney (British)
- Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (British)
- Thomas Burchell (British Jamaican)
- Thomas Fowell Buxton (British)
- John Clarkson (British)
- Thomas Clarkson (British)
- Josiah Conder (British)
- Ottobah Cugoano (African/British)
- John Cropper, Liverpudlian trader and philanthropist
- Thomas Day (British)
- Edward James Eliot (British)
- Olaudah Equiano former slave taken from modern day Nigeria (British)
- Alexander Falconbridge (British)
- Joseph Ketley (British)
- Fanny Kemble (British), author of Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838–1839
- William Knibb (British)
- Harriet Martineau (British)
- Charles Middleton, 1st Baron Barham (British)
- Hannah More (British)
- William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield (British)
- John Newton, former slave merchant (British)
- Richard Oastler (British)
- James Edward Oglethorpe (English, founder of the Province of Georgia)
- Thomas Paine (British born)
- Mary Prince (British)
- James Ramsay (British)
- William Rathbone IV (British)
- Ignatius Sancho (first ex-slave to vote, British)
- Granville Sharp (British)
- James Sherman (British)
- Kathleen Simon (British)
- John Smith (British missionary to Demerara, Guyana)
- William Smith (British)
- Herbert Spencer (British)
- George Thompson (British)
- John Harfield Tredgold (British)
- John Wesley (British)
- William Wilberforce (British) Leading Parliamentary abolitionist
- Henry Bibb, publisher The Voice of the Fugitive newspaper (Canadian)
- George Brown (Canadian)
- Mary Ann Shadd Cary, publisher Provincial Freeman newspaper (Canadian)
- Ward Chipman (Canadian)
- José Hilario López (Colombian)
- José Miguel Infante (Chilean)
- Henri Grégoire (French)
- Louis X of France (Louis X Capet, 1315, Kingdom of France)
- Marie-Thérèse Lucidor Corbin (French Creole)
- Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette (French)
- Guillaume de Félice (French)
- Olympe de Gouges (French)
- Maximilien Robespierre (French)
- Victor Schœlcher (French)
- Charles Follen (German)
- Periyar E. V. Ramasamy (Founder of Self Respect Movement in Southern India)
- Daniel O'Connell (Irish)
- Philip Mazzei (Italian)
- Samuel Sharpe (Jamaican)
- Vicente Guerrero (Mexican)
- José María Morelos (Mexican)
- Miguel Hidalgo (Mexican)
- Ramón Castilla, politician (Peruvian president)
- Theodore de Korwin Szymanowski (Polish)
Puerto Rican
- Ramón Emeterio Betances (Puerto Rican)
Saudi arabian
- Julio Vizcarrondo (Spanish, born in Puerto Rico)
- Simon Bolivar (Venezuelan)
- José Gregorio Monagas (Venezuelan)
- David Batstone founder of the non-profit organization Not for Sale (American)
- Don Brewster founder of Agape International Missions (American)
- Florrie R. Burke (American)
- Vednita Carter founder of Breaking Free (American)
- Katherine Chon co-founder of Polaris Project (American)
- Derek Ellerman co-founder of Polaris Project (American)
- Durga Ghimire (Nepali)
- Maria Grazia Giammarinaro (Italian)
- Glendene Grant mother of slave, founder of Mothers Against Trafficking in Humans (Canadian)
- Nick Grono Freedom Fund and Walk Free Foundation (Australian)
- Siddharth Kara author of Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery (2009) and Bonded Labor: Tackling the System of Slavery in South Asia (American)
- Rachel Lloyd (British)
- Rose Livingston former slave who worked to free slaves in New York City (American)
- Iana Matei founder of Reaching Out Romania (Romanian)
- Somaly Mam founder of Somaly Mam Foundation (Cambodian)
- Bukola Oriola former slave, author of Imprisoned: The Travails of a Trafficked Victim (Nigerian)
- Kathleen Simon, Viscountess Simon (British)
- Elizabeth Smart former slave, founder of Elizabeth Smart Foundation (American)
- Linda Smith (American politician) founder of Shared Hope International (American)
- Helen Sworn (English)
- Sheila White former slave (American)
- Ansar Burney (Pakistani activist)
John Brown, an abolitionist who advocated armed insurrection to overthrow the institution of slavery. He organized the Pottawatomie massacre (1856) and was later executed for leading an unsuccessful 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.
Harriet Jacobs, a former slave turned abolitionist who wrote the influential Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861).
Rose Livingston, a former slave known as the Angel of Chinatown, worked to free slaves in New York City.
The future Viscountess Simon, knighted in 1933 for her efforts to combat remnants of chattel slavery in the British Empire.
William Wilberforce, a leading English abolitionist, led Parliamentary campaign to abolish the slave trade. Campaigned for the end of slavery in British Empire, dying three days after hearing the passage of the Act through Parliament assured.
See also
- List of abolitionist forerunners
- List of African-American abolitionists
- Abolitionism in the United Kingdom
- Abolitionism in the United States
- African American founding fathers of the United States
- History of slavery in the United States
- Radical Republicans
- Timeline of the civil rights movement
- Underground Railroad
Further reading
- Frost, Karolyn Smardz; Osei, Kwasi (Cover design); South, Sunny (Cover art) (2007). I've Got a Home in Glory Land: A Lost Tale of the Underground Railroad. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN 978-0-374-16481-2. ISBN 978-0-374-53125-6. Winner, 2007 Governor General's Literary Award for Nonfiction; Nominee (Nonfiction), National Books Critics Circle Award 2007. See, Governor General's Award for English language non-fiction.
- ^ Susan Zielinski (September 21, 2012). "Groups helping sex trade victims". Red Deer Advocate.
- ^ "ABC-Nepal". Retrieved 19 May 2016.
- ^ Steve Milne (May 9, 2011). "Area Couple Fighting Sex Slavery In Cambodia". Capital Public Radio. Archived from the original on April 14, 2013. Retrieved February 19, 2013.
- ^ "HAART Kenya". HAART Kenya. Retrieved 12 December 2014.
- ^ Katherine Marshall (August 31, 2009). "Need Plus Greed: Faith in Action". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on November 23, 2009. Retrieved February 20, 2013.
- ^ " – Cambodia NGO: Chab Dai Coalition". Archived from the original on 4 April 2016. Retrieved 19 May 2016.
- ^ "Chab Dai Coalition". Retrieved 19 May 2016.
- ^ "".
- ^ Andrew Ridgway (2007-03-12). "Reading Room: Face to Face with Human Trafficking in Bulgaria". The Sofia Echo. Retrieved 2008-02-08.
- ^ Rosie Goldsmith (2005-02-23). "Bulgaria's Disturbing Baby Market". BBC News. Retrieved 2008-02-08.
- ^ "Freeset – We make eco-friendly, fair trade, customized promotional jute and cotton bags". Retrieved 19 May 2016.
- ^ "Fighting Modern Slavery by Focusing on Demand". Global Centurion Foundation.
- ^ "ai – Hope for Justice". Archived from the original on 2015-07-28. Retrieved 2015-06-18.
- ^ Curtis Anderson (June 2, 2012). "Arts & Entertainment". Shaw TV Saskatoon.
- ^ "Human Trafficking in B.C." British Columbia Ministry of Justice. Archived from the original on September 5, 2012. Retrieved September 16, 2012.
- ^ "About Prerana". Archived from the original on 2014-10-15. Retrieved 2015-06-18.
- ^ Daphne Bramham (March 23, 2012). "Former RCMP investigator a beacon for change: Brian McConaghy founded Vancouver-based Ratanak International, which helps rescue and educate former sex slaves". The Vancouver Sun. Retrieved August 21, 2012.
- ^ Ric Taylor (October 6–12, 2011). "Hamilton Music Notes". View Magazine. Archived from the original on January 16, 2012. Retrieved August 21, 2012.
- ^ Ending Violence Against Women: From Words to Action. United Nations. 2006. p. 120. ISBN 9211302536.
- ^ "Sex slavery plagues Romania and Bulgaria". Gleaner Company. December 29, 2006. Archived from the original on August 15, 2020. Retrieved August 13, 2013.
- ^ Mary O'Hara-Devereaux (2004). Navigating the Badlands: Thriving in the Decade of Radical Transformation. John Wiley & Sons. p. 259. ISBN 0787976008.
- ^ Jill Tucker (December 20, 2013). "Oakland schools' mission to end child trafficking". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved December 14, 2014.
- ^ "Survey drives awareness of modern-day slavery". Archived from the original on 2013-09-26. Retrieved 2015-06-18.
- ^ Stephanie G. Henderson (2012). Unforgettable: God's Relentless Heart for His Daughters. CrossBooks Publishing. p. ix. ISBN 978-1462721269.
- ^ "Stop the Traffik". Archived from the original on 2012-06-20. Retrieved 2015-06-18.
- ^ [dead link]
- ^ "Wire Service Canada".
- ^ "Arkansas to stop human trafficking". Hola! Arkansas. September 6, 2013. Archived from the original on September 28, 2013. Retrieved September 7, 2013.
- ^ Hart and Mary Leavitt House, Charlemont, Massachusetts, National Park Service Network to Freedom Sites, Archived 2011-05-24 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ Roger Hooker and Keziah Leavitt House, Charlemont, Massachusetts, National Park Service Network to Freedom Sites, Archived 2011-03-05 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ "Short bio of C.A. Wheaton" (PDF).