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Cadre (military)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A cadre (/ˈkɑːdrə/, also UK: /ˈkɑːdər/, also US: /ˈkɑːdr/) is the complement of commissioned officers and non-commissioned officers of a military unit responsible for training the rest of the unit.[1] The cadre may be the permanent skeleton establishment of a unit, around which the full unit can be built if needed. In countries which have conscription, a cadre may comprise the permanent staff of a regiment who train the conscripts assigned to it. The term comes from the French expression en cadre, with the same meaning.[2][3]

In the Military of the United States, a cadre is a group or member of a group of leaders, especially in units that conduct formal training schools.[4] In United States Army jargon, the word is singular and plural. At the United States Military Academy, the upper-class cadets who conduct Cadet Basic Training for incoming freshmen are called the cadre.[citation needed]

In the British Armed Forces, a cadre is a group of instructors or a unit that trains potential instructors or non-commissioned officers (NCOs), in which case it usually also includes the trainees (e.g., the Mountain Leader Training Cadre of the Royal Marines).

In the Japan Self-Defense Forces, the direct translation in Japanese for this word is "幹部, (kanbu)", which refers to the commissioned officers (幹部自衛官, kanbu-jieikan).[5] The JMSDF unofficially uses the word "准幹部, jun-kanbu" which means, "associate cadre" if the word is directly translated for the warrant officers,[6] since their position as the warrant officer is different from the other two (Ground and Air) branches.[7]

Adapted from the military usage, in Canadian police services, a cadre is an individual officer. It is used in place of badge number and is used in Records Management Systems for dispatching and report entry.[8]

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See also


  1. ^ cadre Random House Dictionary, 2014. Via
  2. ^ David Booth: An Analytical Dictionary of the English Language, p. ccxix., 1835.
  3. ^ Lucy Bolton: Framed!: Essays in French Studies, s. 13-16. Peter Lang, 2007. ISBN 3039110438.
  4. ^ *Considering a Cadre Augmented Army ( Dissertation from Pardee Rand Graduate School.
  5. ^ Above the rank of Second Lieutenant (三等陸尉, santou-rikui or 三等空尉 santou-kuui) and Ensign (三等海尉, santou-kaii).
  6. ^ The rank of the Maritime (Naval) Warrant Officer "准(海)尉, or jun(kai)i"
  7. ^ The Maritime emphasise their warrant officer rank as a authoritative supporter who advises to their superiors (basically to the commissioned officers). Although, the warrant officers in Ground and Air is much like the rank for the non-commissioned officers, who owns the best seniority under the commissioned officers.
  8. ^ Essential Canadian English. Collins. 2004. p. 111. ISBN 0-00-639589-9

This page was last edited on 13 September 2023, at 01:28
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