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Dance of Salome (paintings)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dance of Salome, mixed media on paper, 115 X 79 cm (45 X 31 inches), 1988

The Dance of Salomé is the title of a series of 160 works consisting of 85 paintings and 75 drawings created by Nabil Kanso in 1988 and 1995.[1] It is based on biblical and literary works with particular reference to Oscar Wilde’s 1891 play and Richard Strauss’s 1905 opera. The primary subject of all the works in the series is Salomé who is depicted in a sequence of scenes reflecting various nuances of perception in distinctive dance movement.[2]

YouTube Encyclopedic

  • 1/3
    256 777
    2 221
  • Salome's Last Dance de Oscar Wilde | Ken Russell | 1988
  • SALOMANIA behind-the-scenes teaser + performance trailer (2012)
  • Salome with the head of the Baptist



This page was last edited on 2 May 2024, at 01:46
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