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In mathematics, an ∞-topos is, roughly, an ∞-category such that its objects behave like sheaves of spaces with some choice of Grothendieck topology; in other words, it gives an intrinsic notion of sheaves without reference to an external space. The prototypical example of an ∞-topos is the ∞-category of sheaves of spaces on some topological space. But the notion is more flexible; for example, the ∞-category of étale sheaves on some scheme is not the ∞-category of sheaves on any topological space but it is still an ∞-topos.

Precisely, in Lurie's Higher Topos Theory, an ∞-topos is defined[1] as an ∞-category X such that there is a small ∞-category C and a left exact localization functor from the ∞-category of presheaves of spaces on C to X. A theorem of Lurie[2] states that an ∞-category is an ∞-topos if and only if it satisfies an ∞-categorical version of Giraud's axioms in ordinary topos theory. A "topos" is a category behaving like the category of sheaves of sets on a topological space. In analogy, Lurie's definition and characterization theorem of an ∞-topos says that an ∞-topos is an ∞-category behaving like the category of sheaves of spaces.

YouTube Encyclopedic

  • 1/5
    2 055
    18 780
    10 230
  • Emily Riehl: On the ∞-topos semantics of homotopy type theory: All ∞-toposes have... - Lecture 3
  • Emily Riehl: On the ∞-topos semantics of homotopy type theory: categorial semantics... - Lecture 1
  • Emily Riehl: On the ∞-topos semantics of homotopy type theory: The simplicial model of...- Lecture 2
  • Taste of topology: Open Sets
  • Show that (0, 1] is not compact - Topology - Compact sets


See also


  1. ^ Lurie 2009, Definition
  2. ^ Lurie 2009, Theorem

Further reading

  • Spectral Algebraic Geometry - Charles Rezk (gives a down-enough-to-earth introduction)
  • Lurie, Jacob (2009). Higher Topos Theory (PDF). Princeton University Press. arXiv:math/0608040. ISBN 978-0-691-14049-0.

This page was last edited on 15 April 2024, at 12:32
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