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Dramatic Lyrics

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dramatic Lyrics is a collection of English poems by Robert Browning, first published in 1842 as the third volume in a series of self-published books entitled Bells and Pomegranates. It is most famous as the first appearance of Browning's poem The Pied Piper of Hamelin, but also contains several of the poet's other best-known pieces, including My Last Duchess, Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister, Porphyria's Lover, and Johannes Agricola in Meditation.

YouTube Encyclopedic

  • 1/2
    9 050
    3 992
  • Porphyria's Lover by Robert Browning
  • Robert Browning "My Last Duchess" Poem animation



Many of the original titles given by Browning to the poems in this collection, as with its "follow-up" collection Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, are different from the ones he later gave them in various editions of his collected works.[citation needed] Since this book was originally self-published in a very small edition, these poems are now always referred to by their later titles.

Original titles Later titles
Cavalier Tunes
  1. Marching Along
  2. Give a Rouse
  3. My Wife Gertrude
Cavalier Tunes
  1. Marching Along
  2. Give a Rouse
  3. Boot and Saddle
Italy and France
  1. Italy
  2. France

Camp and Cloister
  1. Camp (French)
  2. Cloister (Spanish)

  • In a Gondola
  • Artemis Prologizes
  • Waring
  • In a Gondola
  • Artemis Prologizes
  • Waring
  1. Rudel and the Lady of Tripoli
  2. Cristina

  • Rudel to the Lady of Tripoli
  • Cristina
Madhouse Cells

  • Through the Metidja to Abd-El-Kadr, 1842
  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin
  • Through the Metidja to Abd-El-Kadr
  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin

External links

This page was last edited on 23 July 2023, at 22:56
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